25 Jan 2021

BFI C1 - 25/01/2021 (ZOOM)

Today's lesson:

- Sleeping better: Videos by Lucie Fink

- Sleep: Reading & speaking

ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5367170081?pwd=ODQ4SmM2MkV6eTRvWmo3UWs2ODhldz09


- Please think about your answer to the following question (no need to write anything - but we'll base our first discussion next week on your answers): "Would you pay for a(n annual) gym membership? Why/Why not?"

Video 1: 5 Days of Sleeping 10 Hours Every Night

In this video, Lucie tries to get 10 hours of sleep every night. 

This video is shorter (5 minutes) and a little easier to understand. 

Questions to consider while you watch:

  • Why do many people not seem to get enough sleep?
  • How does Lucie feel after getting one night of good sleep? Why?
  • How does that change throughout the week? Why?
  • What practical problems does trying to sleep for 10 hours entail?
  • What is said about napping?
  • What's Lucie's conclusion? Has sleeping for 10 hours a night overall had more advantages or disadvantages?
  • How does the video content compare to your experience with sleep?

Video 2: 5 Days of Learning to Sleep Better

In this video, Lucie gives practical tips on how to get a better night's sleep. 

This video is longer (approx. 15 minutes) and a little harder to understand, as Lucie speaks a lot faster, she refers to other sources, and the content is a bit more complex and comprehensive. 

Questions to consider while you watch:

  • Why is sleeping sometimes not considered desirable in our society?
  • How does getting enough/not enough sleep affect us?
  • How does sunlight influence our sleeping patterns?
  • What practical tips does Lucie give for the following:
    • in the morning
    • your bedroom environment
    • during the day (exercise, coffee)
    • before you go to sleep
    • alcohol and food
    • Which of Lucie's tips do you already implement/would you (not) like to try?

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