3 Nov 2020

VHS B1 Wednesday - ZOOM Video Chat Class

ZOOM Video Chat Class

In accordance with the new Covid rules, until further notice, we won't be allowed to have face-to-face classes at VHS.

However, there is the possibility to continue our course online.

You will find all the material (tasks, handouts, recordings, videos or texts for reading) here on the blog and on the e-learning platform (www.berniesenglish.com/lms).

If you would like to continue learning without video chat lessons:

  1. Go to www.berniesenglish.com/lms
  2. Click on "You are not logged in. (Log in)" on the top right.
  3. You need a username & password for the e-learning platform. When you visit the website for the first time, click on "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT" on the bottom of the page and fill in your details. You might have to wait a little bit until your new account is active.
  4. When you have a username & password, go to "LOG IN" (point 2) and log in.
  5. When you are LOGGED IN to the e-learning platform, click on "e-Learning Winter 2020"

We will also have video chat lessons on ZOOM at our usual time, for all the students of our group who'd like to join:

Zoom meeting:  

VHS B1 Wednesday every Wednesday at 10:15

Link:      https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84627716088?pwd=QTlVZ1dvYXJKYmJJeEFOYUU0TmVFZz09

Meeting ID: 846 2771 6088

Password: english             (NO capital "E"!)

If you are new to Zoom, here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Click on the link above.
  • If you haven't installed Zoom on your computer, click on "download/install" and install the program
  • If you have installed the program, click on "join meeting"
  • If the program wants a "Meeting ID" or a Password, you can find them above!

I will have my phone ready, so if you have problems with our (first) Zoom meeting, you can call me. 

My number is: 0650 8409918

Hope to see you soon - on Zoom or on the e-learning platform!

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