Today's lesson:
- topic: "money"
- book p 78: reading/listening ""
- book p 79: grammar "comparison of adjectives"
- book p 79, grammar 4
- Write sentences: compare yourself to a family member.
Example: I'm taller than my brother. I'm more intelligent than my brother.
earn money - Geld verdienen
save money - Geld sparen
spend money - Geld ausgeben
waste money - Geld verschwenden
lose money - Geld verlieren
find money - Geld finden
steal money - Ged stehlen
withdraw money - Geld beheben (Bankomat)
(ex)change money - Geld wechseln
donate money - Geld spenden
salary - Gehalt
debt - Schulden
SHORT adjectives with ONE syllable (-er / -est)
nice - nicer - the nicest
wet - wetter - the wettest
dry - drier - the driest
LONG adjectives with THREE OR MORE syllables (more / most)
beau | ti | ful - more beautiful - most beautiful (3 syllables)
ter | ri | fy | ing - more terrifying - most terrifying (4 syllables - "furchterregend")
un | for | get | ta | ble - more unforgettable - most unforgettable (5 syllables - "unvergesslich")
SPECIAL CASE: adjectives with TWO syllables:
SHORT - ending in "-y, -le, -ow, er"
rai | ny - rainier - rainiest
gen | tle - gentler - gentlest ("sanft, vorsichtig")
shal | low - shallower - shallowest ("seicht, oberflächlich")
cle | ver - cleverer - cleverest
LONG - all other endings
aw | ful - more awful - most awful ("schrecklich")
care | less - more careless - more careless ("sorglos, unachtsam")
EXCEPTIONS (Ausnahmen):
good - better - best
bad - worse - worst
many - more - most
much - more - most
little - less - least ("wenig")
little - smaller - smallest ("klein")
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